Imagine what's possible when
everyone feels like they belong.

Hi! I’m Denise and I'm so happy you're here. 

Helping you to create belonging in your life and work is not only my joy, it’s my life’s work.

Not from here. Not from there.

This was my experience growing up as a first-gen Latina in the suburbs of New York CIty.

I never felt Puerto Rican enough and I never felt American enough. In short, I never felt like I belonged. 

Ni de aquí. Ni de allá is Spanish for….

This is why I made my award-winning documentary being eñye. I wanted people like me to know..."You are not alone."  


The BIG surprise for me was my movie about Latino culture connected with people from EVERY walk of life. 

The reason why is simple...

The movie like my keynote is about one emotionally compelling human need...


Today, I work with organizations throughout the country, from manufacturing companies with global products, to agencies whose clients want to reach the Latino market, all the way to Fortune 500 companies who want to transform how we think and speak about cultural identity and what it means to belong. 

Through keynotes and strategic consulting, we partner together to build organizations where employees and customers alike feel welcome, valued, and an intrinsic part of the whole. 

The universal human truth here is that everyone, has or has had their own version of

“Ni de aquí Ni de allá.”

Their own version of not feeling like they belong.


The Situation Shapes Our Belonging

As I work with organizations throughout the country, what I constantly hear is a desire to build and nurture a diverse culture where employees, students and customers feel like they belong. 

The problem is, even the most well intended companies, schools and organizations are struggling to make this amazing goal a reality. 

The hard thing about building a diverse culture that makes people feel they belong is the fact belonging is quite literally a feeling. 

Which means even though you’re telling people to “Bring your full self to work”, it won’t work because there are situations causing them to feel like…

I don’t have what it takes to be successful here.

I’m not good enough for this position.

I don’t fit in here.

the language we use when we don't feel like we belong

Channing Moreland

Co-Founder, EVA

Being someone who books speakers for a living, it was fun to be in the audience and know this is someone I'll want to book again.

Shelby Easom

Summit Materials
Women on the rise

I now believe that belonging means that I am the puzzle piece, and I'll fit where I fit.

Sarah Grunow

2023-24 President
Colorado school Nutritionists association (CSNA)

The emotion that was in the room and with the group really hit home for me. 

Vice President DE&I, L'oreal
Professional Products Division

This was my second time hearing Denise speak and each time her message of belonging and how to create it is fresh, her delivery is authentic and her impact lasts long after she gets off stage.

Erica Roberson-Peters





More testimonials

So, how are we supposed to build a sense of belonging when we’re dealing with the unpredictable quality of human emotions?

You struggle with employees not being fully engaged because you know that they feel like the organization doesn’t care about them 

You're not sure how to make the warm and fuzzy idea of belonging something concrete and practical so you can apply it every day

Attracting and retaining talent has become a big challenge since the pandemic

Are You Experiencing Any Of The Following Frustrations? 

This is where Denise comes in...

Denise’s keynote takes the promise of diversity and inclusion and gives it a purpose; belonging. 

She not only provides greater understanding of what creates and deepens our experience of belonging, but also provides simple actions we take to amplify the experience of belonging.

Denise creates positive emotional results with her audiences.

Her message is for anyone who has ever questioned if they belonged at work, at home or in their community.

By the end of her keynote, attendees will be able to spot where a greater sense of belonging is needed and be equipped with tools to actively create and cultivate it in their professional and personal lives.

The Magic of Belonging

DEnise's Keynote

This is my


Ben Nauman

Senior Director of Purchasing
National Co+op Grocers

"Hands down the best keynote we have ever had."

Have you ever wondered why despite your best efforts to encourage people to “Bring you full self to work,” your efforts fall flat or simply fail?

The reason why is because of diametrically opposed value systems which creates two conflicting perspectives.

step 2

Total Belonging Trifecta

Identify the Invisible Barriers 

There are obvious moments where we know we can create belonging and connection. However, there are not so obvious moments triggering people into belonging uncertainty. As a result, they disengage, because they don’t feel valued and even worse, they quit. Spotting these belonging gaps is the first step in intentionally create belonging. 

step 1

Recognize Your Belonging Gaps

Purpose, partnership and possibility, are the heart, bones and muscles of belonging.  

When we’re able to discover new ways to incorporate the 3P’s we’re able to transform how people feel, interact and grow in your organization. 

step 3

Inject Positive Interdependence   

Customized virtual keynotes and workshops that will engage your audience and inspire collaboration. 

Virtual Events: 

Customized consulting, training and workshops to provide a deeper understanding of how cultural dynamics show up in the way you communicate with your customer that will drive sales and a strong sense of belonging to your brand. 

Consulting and Workshops:

Which Option Will Create The Best Results For Your Organization? 

Nine years of filming, traveling and speaking with tens of thousands of people has led to a profoundly fresh perspective on how to think about creating authentic belonging so your organization can create meaningful conversations that spark change and growth.


Compensation Partner
Unidos ERG Communication Pillar Lead
Best Buy

I know Denise says she accidentally fell into being a “Belonging Expert”; however, I think this is her calling. Nobody does this better than Denise. Thank you, Denise, for the important work that you do, for continuing to share your story, and for inspiring many along the way. 

Patrcia Hyack



The results

What you can expect from working together:

Understanding how to build an organization where people feel, seen, heard, and safe. 

Greater engagement, self-expression, and new ideas from your diverse work environment.

A broader reach and increased sales to global demographics. 

Leadership awareness for harnessing the full potential from your teams

book a call




The secret is out

Denise is writing
a book...

After years of traveling and speaking with tens of thousands of people, I've learned there's one question causing us to suppress who we really are and steal our courage to live the life we really want.
I invite you to follow along with me as I begin the process of writing a book that answers this question. 

Don't miss this

Deeply meaningful message
Powerful delivery 
Authenticity in spades 

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